Privacy Policy

Click Business Cards Privacy Agreement.
We have the upmost respect for your privacy.
Click Business Cards do not and will not ever disclose or sell your email address or any other details you enter in our site to any other individual or organisation. This is our privacy guarantee.
Antispamming Policy.
Click Business Cards is a good net citizen.   We have a very strong objection to the practise of emailing unsolicited advertising (spamming).
We do not undertake such promotions.
Our Customer Emailing Policy.
Click Business Cards will not bombard you with regular emails and promotions.   We will notify you of new services or changes to our business from time to time. To date this has amounted to 3 emails a year.
If at anytime you feel even this is too much, a simple reply with Remove in the subject line will prevent even these couple of emails being dispatched to you.